
The Seasons Hunt - Spring 2011 - has started!

Saturday, April 16, 2011 / by

The Seasons Hunt is here again! Spring edition brings a lot of awesome goodies from fantastic creators. All you have to do is find a bee hidden in each store!

The Seasons Hunt Spring 2011 - it's here!

[MAGIC NOOK] gift for the hunt is little birdie ring and it's hidden inside the store (you don't need to search the garden or the porch, it's definitely inside).

[MAGIC NOOK] Fly Little Bird Ring

For the list of participating stores go to hunt blog. Good luck and happy hunting! ^^

Taxi to [MAGIC NOOK] Main Store (click)

Fashion: Very late afternoon

Sunday, April 10, 2011 / by

Very late afternoon

Outfit details:
  • Jacket: [pivaaca] (Pea Coat Open Ver. / in Gray / I removed the tint from the buttons to make them lighter)
  • Sweater: So Many Styles (Belted Sweater / in Coral / I tinted the coral belt a bit darker)
  • Skirt: Tokidoki (Le frills skirt / in Black)
  • Tights: *Sheer* (Tights 05: Dots / in Black)
  • Socks: Maitreya (Scrunched PrimSocks / in Black)
  • Scarf: (Royal Blue) (Winter is Coming scarf / in Coal) / FREE! (old gift)
  • Necklace: {mon tissu} (Take Flight Necklace / in Silver)
  • Ring: [MAGIC NOOK] (Narcissus Ring / in Silver) / DU4 item
  • Glasses: [glow] Studio (No lences reybey)
  • Hair flower: Liquid Candy (Hair Flower / in Pink) / FREE! (old gift)
  • Brooch: Whippet & Buck (Rae Bird Brooch / in Special Red)
  • Shoes: ANEXX (Vaudevillian Shoes / in Black) / DU3 item)
  • Bag: B@re Rose (Blanca / in Black / I tinted it a little to match the outfit)
  • Magazine: MODE Magazine / FREE! (Vaschwitzugenplatz old freebie)
  • Lashes: [glow] Studio (Flutter Lashes / Madam Butterfly)
  • Eye make-up: *YourSkin & YourShape* (Impero Rose MakeUp Tattoo)
  • Lipstick: Amacci (Pucker Lips Tattoo 5 Pink)
  • Hair: [elikatira] (Just / in Brown 06)
  • Pose: Long Awkward Pose (Slip-Like Rly PR4)
  • Location: La Galerie

New release: Music rings

Saturday, April 09, 2011 / by

Cute wire rings for music lovers are now available at [MAGIC NOOK] - in two colours: silver and gold.

[MAGIC NOOK] Music Ring (Gold)

[MAGIC NOOK] Music Ring (Silver)

The gold one is now also available at The Dressing Room for 40L$ only! It's TDR first brithday, so each designer prepared two items for you, one for 40L$, the other for usual 40-70L$. Come visit TDR and celebrate birthday with us!

Taxi to The Dressing Room

Taxi to [MAGIC NOOK] Main Store

Happy shopping! :)