
New release: Twinkle Necklace and Simple Ring

Saturday, October 12, 2013 / by

Here's my new release for The Dressing Room: Twinkle Necklace! It's a basic chain necklace, available in silver and gold. Minimal, simple and stylish. I've been learning mesh quite a lot, and so I was able to create a detailed chain necklace with land impact of only 1, yay! :)

[MAGIC NOOK] Twinkle Necklace MESH (Silver)

[MAGIC NOOK] Twinkle Necklace MESH (Gold)

My previous release for TDR, Simple Ring, is now available at [MAGIC NOOK] Main Store. It's a simple and stylish thumb ring (but you can wear it on any finger you want, as many or as few rings as you like).

[MAGIC NOOK] Simple Ring (Silver)

[MAGIC NOOK] Simple Ring (Gold)

Taxi to [MAGIC NOOK] Main Store

Taxi to The Dressing Room

Happy shopping! :)